What do you call the child of a child theme?

Sometimes you find a Child Theme that looks almost perfect, but you want to make changes. Asking the Google for “child of child theme” turns up futile until you turn to GitHub.

Behold, the cousin to the child of child theme, the theme customizations plugin.



Re-Installing WordPress

There are times when it’s appropriate to reinstall the latest version of wordpress. This is not nearly as scary as it sounds, especially if you use the one-click install for WordPress that mosts hosts provide.

  1. Via FTP,  rename the root folder of your website. I tend to append the folder name with .old.
  2. In your Control Panel, remove the now renamed installation from the installations list. Removing it from the list will not delete the files in the renamed folder from your site.
  3. Create a new WordPress install using the one click install system. The new directory should be the same as the .old one.
  4. Replace the contents of the wp-config.php file from the .old site in the new site’s wp-config file.
  5. Replace the wp-content folder from the .old site to the new. I usually rename the new wp-content by appending it with .fresh and then bring the old one in.


Add an image to your post or page

WordPress Help

This video does a great job going over how to add an image to a wordpress page or post.

i also found this nice article on how to do the same thing, with a bit more explanation about other types of media attachments… videos, audio files, pdf documents, etc.



Add a slideshow using Slideshow Gallery plugin

Assuming you have created a PAGE or POST and have added a GALLERY through ADD MEDIA, and are in EDIT mode, use the tab in the upper right and change the visual editor to TEXT mode.  In the body of the content where you’d like the slideshow to display, you’ll need to place a shortcode. For example:

[slideshow post_id="5" auto="true"]

For the shortcode to work, you will need to identify the post_id # for the page or post you’re working on. (yes, it’s post_id whether it’s a PAGE or POST.)  to do so, move your cursor over one of the Edit buttons near PUBLISH. In most browsers, this causes the url of the link to appear at the bottom left browser. You will see within that url the post_id (YNMV – your numeral may vary).


 In this shortcode, I have also added an “auto” parameter so the show advances automagically. Other preferences can be set site-wide or on individual slideshows as enumerated below. 

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